Interview with Alexis Vuillermoz: “I dont know my own limits yet” – Ciclismo Internacional

Interview with Alexis Vuillermoz: “I dont know my own limits yet”

By Jakob Lloreda

2015 Tirreno-Adriatico, stage 6: Late breakaway

There is much talk about the new generation of French cyclists as a result of the great performances of Pinot, Bardet, Barguil, Bouhanni or Demare, but it would be a mistake to leave out of that group the equally brilliant Alexis Vuillermoz.
The impressive cyclist of AG2R  (a former Mountain Bike rider) was 11th in the 2014 Giro d’Italia and, at 26, still has room for improvement. Now, after finishing 11th in San Luis, 9th in Haut Var and 4th in the Tirreno-Adriatico stage to Castelraimondo, Vuillermoz sat down and talked to

How were your experience in San Luis? Are you satisfied with the results and did you enjoy your stay there?

I really enjoyed racing in San Luis. Its a great event. I had a very good week in Argentina, I saw my knee pain disappear and my physical condition were improving day by day. I was positve surprised with my result. I especially had good sensations on Sierras Comechingones.

What is your ambition entering Tirreno Adriatico then?

I have a helpers role in Tirreno , but I will try stay in contention until stage 5 and see how I go up Monte Terminillo. In short I am there to work for Domenico Pozzovivo, but like in the Giro last year I also have carte blance to give it my all and try go for a resault at the top.

And Carlos Betancur?

I actually had the chance to race a lot with Carlos last year especially during his victories in Haut Var and Paris Nice. He is a very, very talented rider who also is more than happy to give a hand to others. He really returned the favour and helped me a lot in last years Milano-Torino. I hope to see him back on top soon.

Is there any chance that you will ride the Giro d’Italia this year? Or is all planned around the Tour de France?

I want to do the Tour de France this year, so I will not be at the start of the Giro dItalia. I want to show myself in front of my home-crowd and hopefully ride a very, very strong race.

You have showed in the Giro last year, you are able to stay with the best in the mountains. How do you see yourself progressing in say the next 3 years?

Absolutly, I finished 11th in the Giro and preformed at a good level. However, I also finished the race exausted and totally cooked, I’m still far from the level of the very best riders in the world. but that gives me motivation and something to aim for in the future. I want to continue to enjoy riding my bike, and without pressure see how far I can progress. I dont know my own limits yet.

What do you focus on most in training? Your stamina? or becoming even more explosive?

I love the mountains and hard cols have always been my favorite. But it is also true that it is important to maintain a good burst of speed. I try to incorporate a little of everything in my training, in order to become the most complete rider posible.

A successful 2015 for you would mean?

As I said I want to participate in the Tour de France again and hopefully play an important role. On a personal level, winning a stage or preforming well in a mountainous race on the world-tour would be a very great satisfaction for me.

What is Alexis Vuillermoz biggest weakness as a rider?

I sometime run out of power on the flat. I certainly do not like rubbing shoulders in the final km coming into a sprint either… I work hard in training to compensate for lack of power on the flat, so that I can arrive at the foot of the mountians with more in the tank.

Jakob Lloreda
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